
Identifying Your Target Market - The “Hollywood” Approach
Many years ago, when I was writing the business plan for my first business, I was faced with the challenge of identifying or defining my...

5 Marketing Tools Every Author Should Have
5 must-have tools every author should be familiar with in order to sell their books and build their author brand.

A Marketing Fairy Tale - Part 10: Conclusion
The Fairy Godmother returns to review all of the pieces of marketing that the godmothers taught the woodman- money, alignment, reach, etc.

A Marketing Fairy Tale - Part 9: Grasp
The final of the godmothers visits the woodman and explains how to not just engage your target audience but how to grasp their attention.

A Marketing Fairy Tale - Part 8: Interest and Need
Needs and Interests seem almost interchangeable, but godmothers Nancy and Irene explain the importance of addressing both of your targets.

A Marketing Fairy Tale - Part 7: Time
With all the information he has already learned, the woodman meets Tina, the godmother who teaches him about the importance of timing.